uGaMa: C# MVC framework adapted for Unity3D projects.

Ugama-v2.0 by CengizKuscu


C# MVC framework adapted for Unity3D projects.

View the Project on GitHub CengizKuscu/uGaMa-v2.0


C# MVC framework adapted for Unity3D projects.

"uGaMa Scripts" Window

Window > uGaMa Scripts

Context Example

Context is a GameObject and contains your GameObjects.

Create your Context Script and add component to your context gameobject

using UnityEngine;
using uGaMa.Context;

public class MainSceneContext : Context
    public override void Init()

    public override void Bindings()

    public override void UnBindings()

If you want to specific ScriptExecutionOrder

Note : Your order value must greater than -990 and smaller than 0 ( -990 < yourOrder < 0)

using UnityEngine;
using uGaMa.Context;

public class MainSceneContext : Context

Model Example

Create your Model Interface

using uGaMa.Model

public interface IGameModel : IModel
    // your model variable
    int scoreValue { get; set; }

Create your Model

using uGaMa.Model

class GameModel : IGameModel
    private int _scoreValue = 0;

    public int scoreValue
        get { return _scoreValue; }
        set { _scoreValue = value; }

Bind your model in your Context

public class MainSceneContext : Context
    public override void Bindings()

Get your model from commands or mediators

GameModel gameModel = uManager.GetModel<IGameModel>() as GameModel;

Command Example

Create your command key

public enum GameEvents
    //Other keys

Execute your command in other commands or mediators

// single Command

// use param
dispatcher.Dispatch(GameEvents.UPDATE_SCORE, yourData);

//use message
dispatcher.Dispatch(GameEvents.UPDATE_SCORE, yourData, yourMessage);

Bind your commands in your Context

public class MainSceneContext : Context
    public override void Bindings()

If you want to Chain Commands

public class MainSceneContext : Context
    public override void Bindings()

Create your Command

public class UpdateScoreCMD : Command
    public override void Execute(NotifyParam notify)
        YourData yourData = as YourData;
        YourMessage yourMessage = notify.msg as YourMessage;

Mediator Example

Create your View Script and add to a GameObject in hierarchy.

public class YourView : View


Create a Mediator Script

public class YourViewMED : Mediator
    public override void OnRegister()

    public override void OnRemove()

Bind your mediators in your Context

public class MainSceneContext : Context
    public override void Bindings()

Get Mediator

YourViewMED mediator = uManager.GetMediator<YourView>() as YourViewMED;

Handle any of the commands in the mediators.

public class YourViewMED : Mediator
    public override void OnRegister()
        AddListener(GameEvents.UPDATE_SCORE, UpdateScore);

    private void UpdateScore(NotifyParam param)


Remove handle

RemoveListener(GameEvents.UPDATE_SCORE, UpdateScore);

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